Benefits of Spiritualism by Rev. Frances D. Montgomery, NST, CM
October 8th, 2019 9:25 pm
There is no real question as to the actual benefit the truths of Spiritualism could be to the world.  Our central teaching, that man survives the change called death and carries his character with him to the spiritual world cannot be regarded as other than a momentous and wonderful message that really needs shared.  There are many references in the King James Edition of the Bible which, read from our perspective of understanding, prove that life exists after the change called death.  There are references to all of the phases of mediumship as we know them.  They have been demonstrated countless times.  We, knowing the truth of personal responsibility, should attempt to live our beliefs daily for the furtherance of our own soul’s growth.  We realize that we are governed by the Laws of Karma, the Natural Laws which are immutable or unchanging.  We realize we have to make atonement for any wrongs or hurts we create.   

Some of you have heard me tell about my Dad, who went to Spirit in 1967 and that he had to shake hands with someone with whom he had had a difference for many years here on earth.  That was the first person he met when he arrived in Spirit.  Fortunately for him he understood that he needed to shake that hand and go with that person.  In his very first visit back to our home circle he told us that we needed to forgive and move forward and that had he NOT acted in that manner, he would have had a more difficult time when he arrived in spirit.  If you have differences here, make amends.  Forgive and move on.  You don’t have to trust someone who isn’t trustworthy, but you can act civilly and overcome the problem enough to forgive and move on.  We are responsible for our actions and I am certain others who may not be aware of our beliefs may watch us and learn by our example.  Those who do know our beliefs watch us closely to see how we react in times of difficulty.  They wonder where our strength comes from and how we are able to manage when our worlds are under siege and chaos.  Many have had problems this past year.   

          We, daily, strive to live what we believe.  That is no easy matter.  It is easy to give in to fault finding – being critical of others.  It is easy to be critical but it is NOT EASY to remain positive and upbeat in the face of difficulty.  It is not easy to attempt to stay upbeat when things are not going well. 

Part of the reason I think we are able to have so much joy and fun in our church is that we have those beliefs.  You are not – ever - told in this church what to believe or what to reject.  You are taught to use your own God given mind and learn everything you are able.  You are taught that thoughts are things – every invention, every medical advance, every item conceived was put in people’s mind from Spirit.  Guides do work with us on a daily basis.  Guides do just that – impress us, GUIDE us, and attempt to lead us in the proper decisions.  They can never do FOR us what we can and should do for ourselves.  We are free will agents.  We make our own choices, wisely or unwisely.  Spirit stands back and allows us to make our own mistakes so that we can learn from them.  We do not believe in vicarious atonement, – that we can err and believing in Jesus will take away our sins.  We know we have to make our own atonement for wrongs we have done, mistakes made. 

You are taught to make wise choices so that you don’t have to keep doing the same mistakes over and over.  Once you have learned your lesson you may be tested again just to see if you got it right but then you are free to move on and work on the next lesson your soul has chosen to learn in this lifetime.  Knowing Spirit is with you to support you just HAS to be comforting to you.  You are never alone.  Your loved ones are right here with you and can and do communicate with you, if you will let them.  You have to listen and yep, that isn’t easy.  All of us, each and every one, would love to have the gift of independent voice to speak out loud and converse with us but it just doesn’t work like that – darn it anyway.  You have to become quieted.  You can talk freely with the God Force either in a prayer or conversational manner.  A recent newspaper article had a survey about how many people talk with God on a daily basis.  One lady mentioned that when she hears a siren she sends a prayer – haven’t we all talked about that right here in this church before?  I thought that was pretty neat.  At least we aren’t the only ones doing it!  Just TALK to God or Spirit – formal prayers or repetitious prayers aren’t as helpful as the heartfelt thoughts you send.  God isn’t deaf.  Spirit doesn’t need to hear things repeated over and over even though sometimes it seems helpful to us to talk in that manner.  If you are working with an affirmation, yes, repetition is sometimes helpful but mostly to YOU – your subconscious hears what you think or pray and the more ingrained those thoughts become to YOU, the more you respond to their positivity. 
I believe Infinite Intelligence has a sense of humor.  I believe laughter is important in our lives and not only keeps our spirits up and our vibrations lighter, but also increases the influence of our aura – the very air around us.  We all know this is important.  The heavier our thoughts, the more despondent we are.  It is difficult for Spirit to enter a heavy atmosphere.  We talk about singing to bring the vibrations up.  We know Spirit is lighter (or vibrates at a faster rate) than we here on the earth plane do.  They have to lower their vibratory rates to be able to come through to us.  If we are down, our rates are lower yet.  That makes their job even more difficult.  That is why our laughter makes our church special.  I honestly don’t know of any other church that has laughter in its service on a regular basis.  I don’t think religion should be somber and heavy.  Spiritualism does not lay guilt trips on you or try to lead you through fear.  Knowing you are responsible allows you to be in control of your own destiny.  I would think you would find joy in that alone!  Knowing that you are one with God – your breath of life is God given – should be an uplifting realization.  You – we – are a part of God – at all times.  We are Spirit as much today as we will ever be.  We are simply in an earthly body at this point in time.  God said, “I AM THAT I AM” and we are a part of that I AM.  

I would like to close with one of my favorite Psalms.  It is the 100th and actually tells us to be joyous!
 1.    Make a Joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
 2.    Serve the Lord with gladness:  Come before his presence with singing. 
 3.    Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves; we are his people and the sheep of his              pasture.  
   4.  Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise.  Be thankful unto him and bless his name. 
  5.  For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations.
Embracing Change by Rev. Frances D. Montgomery, NST, CM
August 17th, 2019 8:12 pm
Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 verses 1 thru 8.
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born,
    And a time to die;
A time to plant,
    And a time to pluck what is planted;
Without Love there is NOTHING by Rev. Frances D. Montgomery, NST, CM
August 1st, 2019 12:05 pm

This morning after a few hectic days this week and last, I mentally said “Thank you God for being in my life.”  Immediately the thought came as a voice in my head, replying: “Without ME there would BE no life.”
That was profound and riveting.  How...


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